帕金森病 Parkinson's disease
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东方:请教薛老 关于VK2的服用  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-26 [回复1楼]

  请教薛老 关于VK2的服用

薛传恽:回复1楼 东方  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-27 [回复2楼]

  回复1楼 东方
  回复1楼 东方:请教薛老 关于VK2的服用

东方:回复2楼 薛传恽  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-27 [回复3楼]

  回复2楼 薛传恽
  回复2楼 薛传恽:回复1楼 东方

文静:VK2 的量  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-27 [回复4楼]

  VK2 的量
  我给妈妈买的45mcg, 每天2次。因为从我们查到的资料知道,每天90mcg是安全的。 

东方:回复4楼 文静  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-28 [回复5楼]

  回复4楼 文静
  回复4楼 文静:VK2 的量

fengsh:回复  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-28 [回复6楼]

  你的5mg(毫克)应该就是纯含量5mg (毫克).
  文静 买的是 45ug(微克) 的,也就是纯含量45ug (微克). 

东方:回复6楼 fengsh  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-28 [回复7楼]

  回复6楼 fengsh
  回复6楼 fengsh:回复
  在8月29日“有服用VK2效果的信息么”的帖子中中,undefi 先生的经验是:“正在用,我岳母原来服用的是多巴胺,美多巴。后来听说副作用大,帮她买了5mg含量和15毫克含量的,开始时用5mg,每次二粒,每天3次,效果不明显,后来用15毫克的,效果不错。”

fengsh:回复  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-28 [回复8楼]

  我觉得15mg 用量实在太大了,PD 是一个长期的抗争过程,我个人认为 用大剂量短疗程还不如用小剂量长疗程,讲究细水长流 水道渠成. ;另外VK 并未被实际证实能够治疗PD . 大剂量短时间内的所谓的 效果我觉得也有可能是其他因素导致的,并非全是VK 效果,存在一定的误判概率.
  而且任何事物 物极必反.摄入太多我想带来的潜在危害是否更大呢 ? 

东方:回复8楼 fengsh  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-28 [回复9楼]

  回复8楼 fengsh
  回复8楼 fengsh:回复

章华:回复8楼 fengsh  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-12-28 [回复10楼]

  回复8楼 fengsh
  回复8楼 fengsh:回复
  Amelioration of osteoporosis by menatetrenone in elderly female Parkinson’s disease patients with vitamin D deficiency
  Y Sato1, Y Honda2, M Kaji3, T Asoh4, K Hosokawa1, I Kondo1, K Satoh5
  1 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan
  5 Department of Vascular Biology, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan
  2 Department of Neurology, Ohshima Hospital, Kita-Shigeyasu, Japan
  3 Department of Neurology, Kurume University Medical Center, Kurume, Japan
  4 Department of Internal Medicine, Futase Social Insurance Hospital, Iizuka, Japan
  Referred to byY. Sato, Y. Honda, M. Kaji, T. Asoh, K. Hosokawa, I. Kondo, K. Satoh
  Corrigendum to “Amelioration of osteoporosis by menatetrenone in elderly female Parkinson’s disease patients with vitamin D deficiency” [Bone 31 (2002) 114–118]
  Significant reduction in bone mineral density (BMD) occurs in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), correlating with immobilization and with vitamin D deficiency, and increasing the risk of hip fracture, especially in elderly women. As a biological indicator of compromised vitamin K status, an increased serum concentration of undercarboxylated osteocalcin (Oc) has been associated with reduced BMD in the hip and an increased risk of fracture in otherwise healthy elderly women. We evaluated treatment with vitamin K2 (menatetrenone; MK-4) in maintaining BMD and reducing the incidence of nonvertebral fractures in elderly female patients with PD. In a random and prospective study of PD patients, 60 received 45 mg of MK-4 daily for 12 months, and the remaining 60 (untreated group) did not. At baseline, patients of both groups showed vitamin D and K1 deficiencies, high serum levels of ionized calcium, and glutaminic residue (Glu) Oc, and low levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25-(OH)2D], indicating that immobilization-induced hypercalcemia inhibits renal synthesis of 1,25-(OH)2D and compensatory PTH secretion. BMD in the second metacarpals increased by 0.9% in the treated group and decreased by 4.3% in the untreated group (p < 0.0001). Vitamin K2 level increased by 259.8% in the treated group. Correspondingly, significant decreases in Glu Oc and calcium were observed in the treated group, in association with an increase in both PTH and 1,25-(OH)2D. Ten patients sustained fractures (eight at the hip and two at other sites) in the untreated group, and one hip fracture occurred among treated patients (p = 0.0082; odds ratio = 11.5). The treatment with MK-4 can increase the BMD of vitamin D- and K-deficient bone by increasing vitamin K concentration, and it can also decrease calcium levels through inhibition of bone resorption, resulting in an increase in 1,25-(OH)2D concentration.
  Fracture; Immobilization; Menatetrenone (MK-4); Osteoporosis; Parkinson’s disease (PD)

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