帕金森病 Parkinson's disease
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skys:Dr. Wahls 的故事-照顾你的线粒体  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-16 [回复1楼]

  Dr. Wahls 的故事-照顾你的线粒体
  Dr. Wahls 是IOWA大学临床医学教师,跆拳道黑带,2000年诊断为MS(多发性肌肉硬化症,一种神经退化病),接受了最好的治疗,但在2003年坐轮椅4年到2007年夏天,自己研究了250多篇论文,认为MS与Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s一样,都是线粒体的问题,自己建立了饮食疗法,也介绍了它们的工作机理,吃了约一年,摆脱了轮椅,最后骑车18英里上山。出了书《 Minding My Mitochondria 2nd Edition: How I overcame secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) and got out of my wheelchair》
  成立了基金会推广她的 疗法。

skys:书上给的菜单:  邮箱  IP:  日期:2012-7-16 [回复2楼]

  回复1楼 skys:Dr. Wahls 的故事-照顾你的线粒体
  Wahls’ current diet plan, as best as I can work it out, is as follows:
  * Eating 9 cups of non-starchy vegetables and berries each day每天9杯 (3 cups each of greens, sulfur containing veggies, and colourful veggies) is essential. Choose organic and/or grow your own if you can.
  * It is okay to take in some of your 9 cups in the form of freshly pressed juices.
  * Eating good quality grass-fed/free-range/organic meats daily is essential.
  * Cook with natural fats such as coconut oil, lard and clarified butter/ghee.
  * Eating organ meats such as liver is recommended at least once a week. Liver is very important for B vitamins. Cooked medium rare is best.
  * Bone broths are recommended daily. They are full of minerals and help heal the gut.
  * Eating seaweed once a week or more is recommended.
  * Eating nuts/seeds or nutritional yeast is recommended daily, including coconut milk.
  * Eating sprouts is recommended, such as broccoli sprouts.
  * Eating fermented foods such as unpasturised sauerkraut is recommended.
  * Eggs are recommended, although people with autoimmune diseases should not have egg whites due to a problematic protein in the egg white. (They should be eliminated at first and added back after a few weeks, and only eaten if there is no reaction to them. Same with nightshades)
  * Eating small amounts of honey or cocoa is okay, and so is eating natural flavourings in food such as spices and ginger.
  * Getting enough Omega 3 fatty acids and not too many Omega 6s is important, so Omega 6 containing oils should be minimised and fish oil capsules taken, and foods such as hemp oil, seafood and flax oil eaten. The best ratio is 3:1.
  演讲提到的食物: My favorite green is kale羽衣甘蓝. Other great greens include parsley香芹, lettuce莴苣 and spinach菠菜. Have more salads, green smoothies, or dehydrator kale chips.
  Sulfur is important to our brains and our mitochondria. Our liver and kidneys use sulfur as they remove toxins from the bloodstream. Good sources of sulfur include cabbage family vegetables – cabbage包心菜, broccoli花椰菜, cauliflower白花菜, collards芥蓝, radishes萝卜, and turnips红萝卜. The onion family is also rich in sulfur – that includes garlic蒜头, leeks 韭菜and chives韭黄. So are mushrooms蘑菇 and asparagus芦笋.
  We should also eat a plateful of color, preferably 3 different colors each day. Bright colors equal flavonoids and polyphenols. These are potent antioxidants that help protect all your cells from damage and support your retinas and your ability to excrete toxins. You can get your color eating vegetables like beets甜菜, carrots胡萝卜, red cabbage红叶卷心菜, and colored peppers辣椒, or from berries浆果
  Eat wild fish, especially salmon or herring, and grass-fed meat or wild game.
  Have liver, heart or other organ meats once a week.等等

Sky:  IP:  日期:2012-7-19 [回复3楼]

skys:原文  IP:  日期:2012-7-19 [回复4楼]

  原文:Alterations in Skeletal Muscle Indicators of Mitochondrial Structure and Biogenesis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Failure: Effects of Epicatechin Rich Cocoa
  文中提及 SIRTl和 PGC-1alpha,1据说和长寿有关,2可能和PD有关。太专业不太明白,请大师点下。 

skys:利用疾病来源iPS细胞研究帕金森氏病  IP:  日期:2012-7-19 [回复5楼]

  《科学 转化医学》

skys:牛津研究人员发现治疗PD潜在新路  IP:  日期:2012-8-7 [回复6楼]

  《Oxford researchers discover potential new treatment avenue for Parkinson’s》
  12 July 2012
  主要机理是这句话: The researchers were surprised to find that activating a small group of neighbouring cells called ’cholinergic interneurons’ was enough to trigger dopamine release. This was without the need for activity in the dopamine nerve cells themselves.(也可以用激活胆碱能中间神经元来触发多巴胺释放,不用激活多巴胺细胞本身)

skys:脚踏车Pedaling for Parkinson’s...and dystonia  IP:  日期:2012-8-9 [回复7楼]

  脚踏车Pedaling for Parkinson’s...and dystonia
  "When I was first diagnosed, I felt like I was on an icy slope with no axe to arrest the progression of the disease. Through a series of happy coincidences, I learned about the work of neuroscientist Jay Alberts at the Cleveland Clinic , I began cycling at 80-90 rpms 4-5 times/week for at least an hour, generally 1.5-4 hours. Within less than a month nearly all of my symptoms disappeared, so much so that my doctor told me that if he didn’t know I had PD, he wouldn’t know. I still take 6 mg of ReQuip XL (down from 8) and 1 mg of Azilect, but the changes happened when I started the forced pace cycling. It is MOST important to pedal at 80-90 rpms. We don’t know why, but it is working for me."
  .......我学习了克利夫兰医学中心神经学家Jay Alberts 著作(在,我开始骑车--每周4-5次、至少1小时,一般1.5-4小时、踏频每分钟80-90次,不到一个月,我的症状几乎消失了,以至于我的医师告诉我如果他不曾知道我有PD,他就不会知道了。我仍服用6MG ReQuip罗匹尼罗 XL (从8减到6)和1MG 雷沙吉兰.........
  It is not about the bike, it is about the pedaling: forced exercise and Parkinson’s disease.
  Alberts JL, Linder SM, Penko AL, Lowe MJ, Phillips M.
  SourceDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Center for Neurological Restoration, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44195, USA.
  Forced exercise has resulted in neuroprotective effects and improved motor function in animal studies. These promising results have not yet been translated fully to humans with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as traditional exercise interventions have not yielded global improvements in function. A novel forced exercise intervention is described that has resulted in improved motor function and central nervous system function in PD patients.

skys:正二十六醇和非瑟酮  IP:  日期:2012-8-26 [回复8楼]

  A Diet Low in Animal Fat and Rich in N-Hexacosanol and Fisetin Is Effective in Reducing Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
  Online Ahead of Print: June 25, 2012
  This study describes how foods rich in fisetin and hexacosanol added to a strict diet reversed most symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) in one patient. This is a case report involving outpatient care. The subject was a dietitian diagnosed with idiopathic PD in 2000 at the age of 53 years old, with a history of exposure to neurotoxins and no family history of PD. A basic diet started in 2000 consisted of predominantly fruits, vegetables, 100% whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, nonfat milk products, tea, coffee, spices, small amounts of dark chocolate, and less than 25 g of animal fat daily. The basic diet alone failed to prevent decline due to PD. In 2009, the basic diet was enhanced with a good dietary source of both fisetin and hexacosanol. Six months after the patient
  started the enhanced diet rich in fisetin and hexacosanol, a clinically significantimprovement in symptoms was noted; the patient’s attending neurologist reported that the clinical presentation of cogwheel rigidity, micrographia, bradykinesia, dystonia, constricted arm swing with gait, hypomimia, and retropulsion appeared to be resolved. The only worsening of symptoms occurred when the diet was not followed precisely. Little improvement in tremor or seborrhea was observed. The clinical improvement has persisted to date. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case where adjunctive diet therapy resulted in a significant reduction of symptoms of PD without changing the type or increasing the amount of medications.
  Gingko biloba leaves, while rich in other flavonoids, do not contain fisetin.
  Besides strawberries, fisetin is found in tomatoes, onions, oranges, apples, peaches, grapes, kiwifruit and persimmons.
  The observations that fisetin protects and promotes survival of cultured neurons and boosts memory in healthy mice make it a promising candidate for further studies.

eric:最年长诺贝尔奖获得者喝神奇饮料而长寿  IP:  日期:2012-9-11 [回复9楼]

  历史上最年长的诺贝尔奖获得者Rita Levi Montalcini在4月22日刚刚度过她103岁的生日。她的长寿也许是她每天都喝一种不寻常的饮料的结果,虽然它的剂量只有眼药水那么少。那是一定剂量的神经生长因子,是她和美国科学家Stanley Cohen1951年6月在华盛顿大学的实验室中发现的。
  神经生长因子(NGF)是外围神经系统中一种对感觉神经的生长、发育、存活至关重要的蛋白质,直到1986年才广泛地被大家认识。这一年,Levi Montalcini和Cohen共同获得了诺贝尔生理学奖。Levi Montalcini在过去的发现的基础上继续进行了深入研究。(

eric:回复7楼 skys  IP:  日期:2012-9-12 [回复10楼]

  回复7楼 skys
  回复7楼 skys:脚踏车Pedaling for Parkinson’s...and dystonia
  Cycling with the Pedaling for Parkinson’s protocols. My doctor recently told me that I should be at level 2 after 3 years, but now at 5 years from diagnosis, but I’m holding steady at level 1. (我的医师最近告诉我,我该在诊断出3年后发展到2级,但5年后我仍稳定在1级) 

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